Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Today was super sad. Michael Jackson, The King of Pop, one of the dance world's greatest influences, and my idol died of self-inflicted cardiac arrest. I feel like Mr. Rodgers died all over again, my heart is broken. I remember all those hours I used to spend dancing along with him in front of my T.V., visiting Neverland Ranch, and defending his life decisions countless times. The poor guy has gone through so much shit from the media in life, and barely gets any credit for how much of an impact he has made on today's generation. The media is EVIL! The past 10 years has been nothing but negative news about him. The fact that it's pushing for an autopsy makes me sick. Mr. Jackson was a very private man, he'd be pulling a Thriller on us if he found out what they're trying to do!
But yeah, there is a life lesson out of this situation for me. The media= our peers. Our peers give us so much crap and stress us out so much. The media has been stressing Michael out a lot lately. He's been working on a tour extra hard just to have somewhat of a comeback to show that he's still got it. He even pushed the tour back so that he could rehearse more. He went into cardiac arrest because he was so stressed. It is truly a tragedy. I think that we all need to learn from this and not let our peers stress us out like that. Who cares what every one else thinks?
The people who care don't matter, and the people who matter don't care. <3
I love you Michael, R.I.P.

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